Bolton urges second UN resolution on Syria pullout News
Bolton urges second UN resolution on Syria pullout

[JURIST] US ambassador to the UN John Bolton [official profile] said Thursday that a second UN Security Council resolution would be required to ensure that Syria has fully withdrawn all intelligence personnel from Lebanon. His comments followed Wednesday's UN Security Council consultation where special UN envoy Terje Roed-Larsen announced [UN press report] that Syria had fully withdrawn its troops from Lebanon as mandated by Security Council resolution 1559 [text; JURIST report], but that because the geographical border between the two countries is still unclear, it is impossible at this time for the Security Council [official website] to verify that all intelligence personnel have been withdrawn. In response, Russian UN ambassador Andrei Denisov called a second resolution "overkill," and other members of the Security Council expressed unwillingness to request further action against Syria. Aljazeera has more.