Search Results for: afghanistan, presidential elections

“The masses have followed the magicians again and again…Socrates and Plato were the first to take up the struggle against them in clear awareness of what was at stake.” – Karl Jaspers, Reason and Anti-Reason in our Time (1952) On absolutely all matters of existential survival, individual or collective, candor is indispensable. In connection with [...]


Writing in the New York Times, U.S. Senator Tom Cotton argued that President Donald Trump’s decision to kill Iranian military commander Qassem Soleimani was legally justified in three ways: under Article II of the Constitution, the 2001 Authorization to Use Military Force aimed at those responsible for the September 11 attacks, and the 2002 Authorization [...]


The Supreme Court of Afghanistan on Sunday approved the extension of President Ashraf Ghani’s tenure until the upcoming presidential elections scheduled for September 28. According to Article 61 of the Afghanistan’s Constitution, the legal tenure of the National Unity Government under Ghani and Chief Executive Abdullah Abdullah ends on May 22. Previously, presidential elections were [...]