Search Results for: Religious Freedom Restoration Act

In Terminiello v. Chicago, Justice Jackson famously commented that the constitution “is not a suicide pact.” His point was in response to the Court’s decision to invalidate Chicago’s disorderly conduct conviction of Arthur Terminiello, who had given a speech that threatened to breach the peace. Writing for the Court, Justice Douglas rejected Chicago’s assessment that [...]


For Oleh Kornat, a lawyer-turned-member of the Ukrainian resistance, a disturbing element of Moscow’s invasion of his country has been its misuse of the term “genocide” to justify it. “Civilians are being targeted. Maternity wards have been attacked. Children with cancer have been displaced. And this has all happened under the guise of Russia’s ostensible [...]


From New Delhi, India Chief Correspondent Neelabh Bist reports for JURIST on recent legal developments surrounding Karnataka state’s “hijab row,” removal or reduction of COVID-19 restrictions and the resignation of a high court justice who became nationally notorious for her judgment in a child sexual assault case. The Karnataka High Court is currently tending to [...]


Judge Reed O’Connor of the United States District Court for the Northern District of Texas temporarily enjoined the United States Navy’s mandatory COVID-19 vaccination policy on Monday. In August 2021, the Department of Defense (DOD) mandated COVID-19 vaccinations for all service members. The Navy issued its own mandate requiring all active-duty service members to be [...]


With less than two weeks left in office, Donald Trump’s administration announced  a new rule Friday that narrows nondiscrimination protections for LGBTQIA individuals seeking services of health and welfare programs that are funded by the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). This rule narrows LGBTQIA non-discrimination protections that were previously in 45 [...]