UN HRC resolution on Burma not strong enough Commentary
UN HRC resolution on Burma not strong enough
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Aung Din [Executive Director, U.S. Campaign for Burma]: "All the points mentioned in the resolution are truly strong and necessary. However, this resolution can not be called "strong" as it does not have binding power and enforcement mechanism. There were more than a dozen resolutions adopted by the then UN Commission on Human Rights and now UNHRC with strong languages and these resolutions were simply ignored by the Burmese military junta. This resolution will face the same fate. The junta does not care naming and shaming. The world needs to do more to save the people of Burma.

The three Permanent Members of the UN Security Council, US, UK, France, and three alternate members Belgium, Italy, and Slovenia are among the nations which proposed the UNHRC resolution. I understand that they tried hard to get the approve the resolution without vote. I wish they will use same energy and enthusiasm at the UN Security Council, organize other members, especially China and Russia, to have a resolution on Burma with the same level of strong language and legally binding."

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