5/26/11: Obama signed four-year extension of the Patriot Act
5/2/11: US forces killed Osama Bin Laden in a firefight in Pakistan
4/4/11: Holder announced 9/11 conspirators to face military trials
1/9/11: Obama signed bill barring transfer of Guantanamo detainees to US for trial
12/22/10: Congress approved bill preventing US trial of Guantanamo detainees
8/16/10: US Senator introduced Guantanamo habeas corpus bill
6/21/10: Supreme Court upheld law criminalizing material support for terror organizations against First Amendment challenge
11/13/09: Holder announced federal trials for accused 9/11 conspirators
11/06/09: US Senate defeated proposal to prevent federal prosecution of 9/11 suspects
12/10/09: Ninth Circuit rejected Mayfield Patriot Act challenge for lack of standing
10/29/09: Obama signed bill allowing transfer of Guantanamo detainees to US for trial
9/10/09: ICC prosecutor began investigating NATO troops in Afghanistan
3/13/09: DOJ dropped “enemy combatant” classification
1/22/09: Obama ordered closure of Guantanamo Bay within one year
1/21/09: Obama administration asked for continuance in Guantanamo proceedings
10/28/08: DC court ruled on meaning of “enemy combatant”
10/20/08: Prosecutors sought extended sentence for Guantanamo detainee Hamdan
6/12/08: Supreme Court ruled Guantanamo detainees have habeas corpus rights
12/10/07: Ninth Circuit struck down portions of material support ban of Patriot Act for vagueness
9/26/07: Federal judge ruled Patriot Act search and surveillance provisions unconstitutional
3/27/07: Federal judge dismissed Rumsfeld torture lawsuit
3/9/07: DOJ admitted FBI acted unconstitutionally in use of National Security Letters
11/14/06: War crimes complaints filed against Rumsfeld in Germany
6/29/06: Supreme Court ruled Guantanamo military commissions unconstitutional
5/23/06: Second Circuit remanded ACLU National Security Letter case after Patriot Act amendments
3/9/06: Bush signed Patriot Act renewal, extending some provisions and making others permanent
12/31/05: Bush signed Patriot Act extension
9/9/05: Federal judge ruled in favor of ACLU in National Security Letter case
8/25/05: ACLU sued over Patriot Act National Security Letter sent to Connecticut library
7/29/05: Federal judge ruled Patriot Act material support ban too vague in Humanitarian Law Project v. Ashcroft
3/1/05: ACLU filed suit against Rumsfeld over torture allegations
11/8/04: Federal judge ruled Guantanamo proceedings unlawful
9/29/04: Federal judge ruled section of Patriot Act allowing authorities to demand financial records in terror investigations unconstitutional
1/11/02: First detainees arrived at Guantanamo Bay
10/7/01: US-led military action began against Taliban government of Afghanistan
9/14/01: Congress passed joint resolution authorizing military force against 9/11 attackers
9/11/01: World Trade Center destroyed, Pentagon damaged and 3,000 killed in terror attacks