Search Results for: rules-based

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida unveiled on Thursday an international framework for the regulation and use of generative artificial intelligence (AI) during a meeting at the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in Paris. “enerative AI has the potential to be a vital tool to further enrich the world. AI will make great contributions [...]


The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) affirmed Italy’s right to recover a millennia-old bronze sculpture from a Malibu museum on Thursday in a case that weighed the importance of a nation’s cultural heritage against fundamental property rights. The sculpture, Victorious Youth, dates back to 300-100 BCE. While its creator has not been positively identified, [...]


The European Commission released statistics on first-time asylum applicants for 2023 on Monday showing that minors (individuals under 18 years old) constituted 24.3 percent of these applicants, excluding data from France, Poland, and Cyprus. Earlier this year, Eurostat reported a 20 percent rise in first-time asylum applications in the EU for 2023, with the total [...]


Law students and law graduates in Pakistan are reporting for JURIST on events in that country impacting its legal system. Abu Bakar Khan is a final year law student at University Law College, University of the Punjab. He files this dispatch from Lahore.  Lahore hosted the 5th Asma Jahangir Conference, titled ‘People’s Mandate: Safeguarding Civil [...]


Prime Minister of Australia, Anthony Albanese, said Friday that violence against women is an “epidemic” in the country as thousands of people gathered in cities across Australia demanding tougher legislation on gender-based violence. In his announcement on X (formerly Twitter), Albanese said that “governments need to do better and as a society we need to [...]


The Bundestag, Germany’s federal Parliament, passed on Friday the second amendment of the Federal Climate Protection Act. The amendment passed a day after the Federal Constitutional Court rejected a lawmaker’s objection to the amended bill. The amendments aim to reduce the pressure against individual sectors by removing some greenhouse gas emissions targets. In the Bundestag [...]


Russia vetoed a UN Security Council resolution sponsored by the US and Japan on Wednesday, which called on all nations to contribute to the peaceful use of outer space and to prevent a dangerous nuclear arms race. Furthermore, the resolution would have urged all nations “to refrain from actions contrary to that objective and to [...]


Recent Afrobarometer survey data (Round 8, 2019-2021) paints a stark picture with 86% of Kenyans and 93% of Ghanaians expressing intolerance towards the LGBT community. This high level of intolerance exists despite the Universal Declaration of Human Rights guaranteeing non-discrimination based on sexual orientation. Furthermore, across Africa, laws criminalizing consensual same-sex sexual activity remain commonplace. [...]