Search Results for: property

Families of the tsunami victims are pressuring the British government to amend the rules for when missing persons can be legally declared dead. Lord Charles Falconer announced today that legislators hoped to create a system to waive...


New laws slated to take effect January 1 with the start of the New Year came into force in many jurisdictions across the United States Saturday, affecting areas from health insurance to gay rights. In Maine, the state-supported universal...


A Beijing court spokesman announced Friday that the court had ruled against the Chongqing Lifan Industry Group, which must stop selling lookalike Honda brand motorbikes and must pay the Japanese Honda Motor Company 1.47 million yuan ($177,600 USD) in...


Judge Alvin Hellerstein of Manhattan federal court refused Tuesday to accept an ex-AOL employee's plea of guilty to charges of conspiracy and interstate transportation of stolen property, saying that he wasn't sure the man had actually committed a crime...


Updating a continuing story on JURIST's Paper Chase, Russian President Vladimir Putin said Tuesday that Baikal Finance Group, the little-known company that bought the production arm of oil giant Yukos at auction from the Russian authorities over the weekend,...