Search Results for: nazi

Israeli police have detained a group of around 20 young neo-Nazis who originally immigrated to Israel from the former Soviet Union. The group was discovered after police last month arrested one of the young men , a soldier...


A Russian immigrant turned Israeli soldier was arrested in Israel for ties to neo-Nazi groups Thursday just as Israel was marking Holocaust Remambrance Day on the 60th anniversary of Nazi Germany's defeat. The soldier had been arrested on...


Emil Alperin et al. v. Vatican Bank, United States Court of Appeal for the Ninth Circuit, April 19, 2005 [ruling that claims made by Eastern European survivors of the Holocaust against gold and other holdings of the World War II...


US District Judge Edward R. Korman Wednesday approved a $21.9 million award to heirs of families whose bank holdings were allegedly concealed and stolen by Swiss banks looking to gain favor with invading Nazis. Holocaust survivors and...