Search Results for: nazi

At its core, the death penalty feeds one of the basest desires known to humankind: the craving for revenge. The 3,200+ members of “L’chaim! Jews Against the Death Penalty” — a group I co-founded — along with millions of other death penalty abolitionists across the world have demonstrated time and again in recent years how [...]


Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese condemned on Saturday domestic neo-Nazi activity after a group of masked men boarded a Sydney train on Australia Day. Three police operations into neo-Nazi demonstrations were conducted across Sydney over the weekend amidst a recent rise in neo-Nazi, antisemitic and extremist right-wing incidents. On Friday morning, about 61 men masked [...]


Russia accused Ukraine of deliberately shooting down a Russian Military Transport plane Wednesday carrying 65 Ukrainian Military personnel for an alleged “pre-agreed exchange” of prisoners of war. The incident reportedly killed 74, including six crew members and 3 Russian officers. The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement condemning the shooting down of a [...]


Russian lawmakers passed on Wednesday legislation aimed at streamlining the seizure of both monetary assets and properties from individuals found to be in violation of laws pertaining to the dissemination of false information and the ongoing invasion of Ukraine through the first stage of approval. The draft of the legislation was previously announced on Saturday. Chairman of [...]


Barring the unlikely success of last-minute litigation, today, at 6 p.m. CST, Kenneth Eugene Smith is scheduled to become the first person in history to be executed by forced nitrogen gas inhalation. In Smith’s final minutes, personnel at the William C. Holman Correctional Facility in Atmore, Alabama will strap an industrial-grade mask to his face. Secured [...]


Germany’s Constitutional Court ruled Tuesday that one of the country’s most extreme political parties, Die Heimat, or The Homeland, will be excluded from state funding, furthering the heated debate over the legal restriction of the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party. Die Heimat, previously known as Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschlands (NPD), is a neo-nazi, ultranationalist party [...]


The US government has again desecrated the memory of the late Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. In the latest example of the Biden administration having broken its promise to work to end the death penalty, it announced its intention to seek a federal death sentence against Peyton Gendron, the 19-year-old who horrifically murdered 10 [...]


“So far from it being unjust to punish him, it would be unjust if his wrongs were allowed to go unpunished.” Nuremberg Tribunal (1946) At the beginning of 2024, former President Donald J. Trump’s most conspicuously unsupportable legal claim has been his personal immunity from criminal prosecution. With this claim, Mr. Trump and his lead [...]