Search Results for: hockey

The National Hockey League (NHL) on Monday announced that it had reached asettlement in a Minnesota court with a group of more than 100 former players who allege that they suffered a series of ailments as a result of their time playing in the NHL, including Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, ALS and CTE. The tentative settlement amount [...]


JURIST Guest Columnist Kathryn Young, University of Virginia School of Law Class of 2013, argues that gambling can effectively increase states' revenue and should be viewed outside of its negative connotations...The recent New Jersey law condoning sports betting at...


JURIST Guest Columnist Erica Menze, Marquette University Law School Class of 2012, is a member of the Marquette Sports Law Review. She writes on the implications of labor law and antitrust law on the National Football League's operations...During the National...


JURIST Guest Columnist Audrey Macklin of the University of Toronto Faculty of Law, who recently observed the US military commissions at Guantanamo Bay for Human Rights Watch, says that the prosecution's argument in the case against Canadian national Omar Khadr...