Search Results for: dna

Saurabh Kirpal is on track to becoming India’s first openly gay judge. Last week, the country’s Supreme Court recommended the nomination of Kirpal, a senior advocate and self-described “accidental LGBTQ activist,” to serve as a judge in the Delhi High Court, in what is considered by many to be a significant equal rights milestone—the latest [...]


California Governor Gavin Newsom signed SB 41, Genetic Information Privacy Act, into law on Wednesday, requiring direct-to-consumer genetic testing companies to provide information and obtain consumers’ express consent regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of genetic data. “At-home DNA tests have provided people with the ability to seek meaningful connections to long-lost family or their [...]


The Supreme Court of India ruled Friday that a forced DNA test violates the right to privacy and personal liberty. The decision came in a property dispute, wherein the plaintiff claimed to be the son of late Trilok Gupta and late Sona Devi. He filed a lawsuit, naming the daughters of Trilok Gupta and Sona [...]


The European Court of Human Rights ruled Tuesday that the Russian authorities’ investigation into the circumstances of the death of human rights activist Natalia Estemirova was insufficient. Estemirova was abducted and murdered in July 2009 after having investigated various cases of “kidnappings, torture and extrajudicial killings in Chechnya.” She had publicly alleged and denounced various [...]


The Higher Regional Court of Frankfurt (OLG) sentenced Stephan Ernst, a right-wing extremist, to life imprisonment Thursday for the murder of German politician Walter Lübcke. Ernst targeted Lübcke after listening to his speech in October 2015 at a citizens’ meeting, during which Lübcke advocated for the accommodation of immigrants seeking protection and stated: “It is [...]


The US Supreme Court on Monday declined to hear a case that would have allowed them to rule on Texas law enforcement officers’ use of investigative hypnosis. Charles Don Flores was sentenced to death for the 1998 murder of Elizabeth Black. His conviction was based on eyewitness testimony obtained through “investigative hypnosis.” Law enforcement officers [...]


The New Zealand Law Commission recommended a new legal framework for police use of DNA in criminal investigations in a new 572-page report released Monday. The Commission, an independent Crown entity, reviewed and reported on the Criminal Investigations (Bodily Samples) Act 1995 following a government request in July 2016. Its review found that the Act [...]


“All narrative of the past implies a selection. Memory is selective; complete memory is impossible.” – Elizabeth Jelin In September 2020, the Spanish Government introduced the “Democratic Memory Law” through its Democratic Memory Act (“The Act”), which is an extension of the Historical Memory Act of 2007 to honor the victims of General Francisco Franco’s [...]


In the present confirmation hearings, I would like someone to ask Judge Barrett a question left unanswered by Justice Scalia, her mentor: 1. What influence does the fact that many of the founders and framers were slave owners have on your originalist views? And then I would like to ask a follow-up: 2. What is [...]