Search Results for: commodity

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) announced a staff-level agreement with Mali on Tuesday, providing emergency funds to address food insecurity in the central and northern regions of Mali. The agreement follows extensive discussions between IMF officials and Malian authorities in Washington DC, as well as a visit by IMF economists to Bamako, Mali’s capital, earlier [...]


US federal prosecutors filed a complaint in a New York federal district court Wednesday seeking the forfeiture of two multimillion-dollar Manhattan apartments purchased by former Mongolian Prime Minister Sukhbaatar Batbold in connection to an alleged money laundering and corruption investigation. The investigation centers around contracts the Erdenet Mining Corporation, a state owned mining company, entered [...]


The Greek Parliament passed Saturday its foreign university bill, allowing foreign private non-profit universities to establish branches in the country for the first time. The bill, titled Strengthening the Public University – Framework for the Operation of Non-profit Branches of Foreign Universities, allows for the establishment of non-profit foreign universities after evaluation and certification by [...]


“The most tragic thing in the world and in life, readers and brothers of mine, is love. Love is the child of illusion and the parent of disillusion; love is consolation in desolation; it is the sole medicine against death, for love is death’s brother.” Miguel de Unamuno, Tragic Sense of Life Looking Beneath: World [...]


Many people, especially ignorant people, want to punish you for speaking the truth, for being correct, for being you. Never apologize for being correct, or for being light years ahead of your time. If you are right and you know it, speak your mind. Speak your mind. Even if you are a minority, the truth [...]


In June 2023, Kenyan High Court Judge Mugure Thande issued conservatory orders temporarily halting the implementation of the controversial 2023 2023 Finance Act. These orders were later upheld by Justice Thande in July, and the case was referred to Chief Justice,  Martha Koome, to empanel a bench for further proceedings. Subsequently, a 3-judge bench, led [...]


The UN said on Thursday that 62 humanitarian aid workers have been killed so far in 2023. The organization made the announcement on the 20th anniversary of the attack on the UN headquarters in Baghdad, Iraq, which led to the death of 22 individuals, including former UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Sergio Vieira de [...]


Following global practice — including that of the U.S. military justice system — the Pakistan Army Act builds on maintaining good order and discipline among service members, as no military can effectively function without strict discipline. The court-martial, that is, trial by military officers of breaches of service-connected discipline, including crimes, sits at the heart [...]