Search Results for: Tamil

The UN Human Rights Council on Tuesday adopted a resolution to promote reconciliation, accountability and human rights in Sri Lanka. The resolution, which was drafted in response to a damning UN report released in January, stresses the importance of an accountability process for parties who engage in violence and human rights abuses, naming the Liberation [...]


Officials in Sri Lanka announced plans this weekend to ban burqas in public and close more than 1,000 Islamic schools. These policies are the latest in a string of decisions targeting the country’s Muslim minority. Citing national security concerns, Sri Lanka’s public security minister Sarath Weerasekera signed papers for cabinet approval of the ban on [...]


It has been almost 12 years since the civil war in Sri Lanka came to an end after the defeat of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE). Since 2009, there has been a concerted effort to hold perpetrators accountable for the mass killings against Tamil citizens, there has also been a governmental committee set [...]


The emergence of E-Commerce has made ground-breaking changes around the world. With the passage of time, individuals have the alternative of online platforms at their disposal for procuring myriad articles. A similar convenience is being experienced regarding medicines with the advent of E-Pharmacy. E-Pharmacies are virtual platforms that take an order of medicines over the [...]


A democracy is balanced mainly on the supremacy of law as no one is above law. The recent development in this month raising a serious threat towards the doom of democracy. The loggerhead battle and the shuffle up of the whole country was witnessed by the whole world in the last two years. Now, a [...]


As the COVID-19 cases continue to rise at an exponential pace in India even after the sweeping federal lockdown, the Parliament of the country has commenced the Monsoon Session which runs from 14th September to 1st October this year. The decision by the Secretariats of both the Houses of the Indian Parliament to dispense with the [...]


In India, a new education policy typically comes along only once every few decades. The first education policy was in 1968, introduced by the administration under Mrs. Indira Gandhi. This was replaced by the National education policy in 1986, by her son Mr. Rajiv Gandhi who was Prime Minister at that time. A few years [...]


After numerous decades, the order given by the Supreme Court of India, “reservation is not a fundamental right” has sparked an ardent political debate and unrest among backward communities. In this article, the author shall explain what was the view of the Supreme Court in earlier judgments regarding the reservation. Accordingly, the author shall explain [...]


On June 26, a video clip narrating the incident of custodial death of a father and his son, by the Sattankluam police authority, went viral in India across social media. Ironically, the same day was also United Nations International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, which is when we remember and assert our conscience [...]