Search Results for: Niger

Niger Foreign Minister Massoumi Massoudou told France 24 on Thursday that the administration is attempting mediation with members of Niger’s military who conducted a coup of President Mohamed Bazoum’s administration. His statement comes only hours after Niger’s military announced they supported the coup carried out by military members of Bazoum’s elite guard on Wednesday. Colonel [...]


The United Nations refugee agency (UNHCR) on Wednesday said it was concerned about reports that hundreds of Burkinabe refugees, including women and children, fleeing to Ghana were being deported. For the past few years, Burkina Faso has been experiencing violence and terrorist attacks from extremist groups in many cities. According to UNHCR, more than 17,500 [...]


Activists in Nigeria on Wednesday reported that a new oil spill occurred in Rivers State and is actively threatening the region’s water supply. The leak has been contained, but activists remain concerned over the perceived inaction by Nigerian authorities to address previous spills and ongoing pollution problems. According to the National Oil Spill Detection and [...]


The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) West and Central Africa released a series of reports Saturday revealing a complex trafficking web across the Sahel region of Africa as part of its Transnational Organized Crime Threat Assessment (TOCTA) Sahel project. The reports show the efforts of organized crime throughout the Sahel to smuggle [...]


The UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination Friday issued findings concerning human rights in Argentina, Niger, the Philippines, Portugal, the Russian Federation and Tajikistan, reviewing their performance under the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination. The report found a series of racial inequities throughout the countries reviewed. Argentina [...]


Residents of Ogale and Bille communities in Nigeria Thursday joined the lawsuit against Shell plc seeking compensation for oil spillage in the Niger delta. The suit has been filed in UK’s High Court with the plaintiffs being represented by Leigh Day Law firm. This follows Shell’s report, which claims to have made almost $40 billion in [...]


Water scarcity is a growing problem. It can be demand-driven, typically caused by population growth, and supply-driven, typically caused by decreasing amounts of fresh water often resulting from climate change or a result of societal factors such as poverty. If it is allowed to reach dangerous levels, water scarcity has the potential to trigger conflicts. [...]


The District Court of The Hague Wednesday rejected a suit brought by four Nigerian widows against oil giant Shell for allegedly helping corrupt witnesses testifying against their late husbands, who were executed in 1995 by the Nigerian government following protests against Shell’s exploitation of the Niger Delta. In 1995, former military ruler Sani Abacha executed [...]