Search Results for: Congress

The US Supreme Court on Wednesday declined to reinstate the Saving on a Valuable Education (SAVE) student loan relief initiative by President Joe Biden. The decision keeps a lower court’s injunction in place, raising uncertainty for millions of borrowers. The SAVE plan had been designed as a more targeted approach to student debt relief to [...]


Mexico’s National Electoral Institute (INE) approved a controversial allocation of seats in the Chamber of Deputies on Friday, granting President Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s Morena party and allies a supermajority to pass constitutional reforms without opposition backing. In its decision, the INE’s governing council voted to allocate 364 of the 500 seats in the Chamber [...]


Former Memphis police officer Emmitt Martin III pleaded guilty on Friday to three counts of US federal civil rights and conspiracy charges. An indictment issued in September of last year accused Martin of using excessive force against Tyre Nichols, an unarmed 29-year-old black man. On January 7, 2023, police stopped Nichols while in his vehicle [...]


The Nepalese government on Thursday decided to lift the nation’s ban on the social media platform TikTok, according to local media. Local sources said Prime Minister Khadga Prasad Oli, who came into office in July while calling for all social networking sites to be treated equally, led the decision during a cabinet meeting. The ban on [...]


Far-right movements gaining popularity in many European countries are primarily anti-immigrant and anti-Islam. This study examines Alternative für Deutschland (AfD), a far-right political party in Germany. Founded in 2013, the party launched the AfD manifesto, a public document approved at its Federal Party Congress held in Stuttgart from April 30 to May 1 2016. Presently, [...]


Does the Rule of Law Apply in the US Government’s Enforcement Proceedings? It seems likely that most people would respond to the question with a resounding “Yes, of course, isn’t this America?” Unfortunately, the answer is, “Often No.” Policymakers and judicial authorities in the United States and other developed countries often generally speak of the [...]


Three Republican-led US House of Representatives committees released a report on Monday summarizing the findings from their impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden, claiming there is evidence Biden has “engaged in impeachable conduct.” However, the committees have yet to make a formal recommendation to the House following this report. The report also does not contain [...]


The US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit on Friday partially upheld a lower court’s decision to block key provisions of California’s landmark child online safety law, the California Age-Appropriate Design Code Act (CAADCA). The appellate court on Friday held that California’s law, which mandates tech companies assess potential harm to children before releasing [...]