Search Results for: Chile

Chile’s Chamber of Deputies Tuesday approved the impeachment of President Sebastián Piñera by 78 votes for, 67 votes against and 3 abstentions, following revelations in the Pandora Papers regarding possible irregularities in the sale of the Dominga mine. The constitutional accusation will now be heard by the Chilean Senate, where a commission appointed by the [...]


The President of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, signed a letter of understanding with the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC), Karim A.A. Khan QC against atrocious crimes. The agreement between the two was signed Wednesday during the three days of work with the ICC prosecutor. The Venezuelan government has agreed to cooperate and comply with the [...]


Over the past few months, images of Haitians on the Southern border of the United States and Afghans scrambling to flee Taliban rule have proliferated across global news outlets. The desperation depicted in these images illustrates two sides of the same coin—the struggles on one hand of migrants seeking entry into what they hope will [...]


Chile became the first country in the world to protect neuro-rights after the Chamber of Deputies approved Wednesday an amendment to the Chilean Constitution. The bill is expected to be signed into law by their president soon. The amendment to the Chilean Constitution aims at defining mental identity for the first time in history as a [...]


The Chilean citizenry voted over the weekend in favor of independent candidates to rewrite the constitution. For the first time, voters were invited to have their say on who rewrites their country’s constitution. There will be 155 delegates working on the rewrite in a group called the Constitutional Convention. Most delegates voted in are independent. [...]


The United Nations (UN) High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet on Thursday expressed strong concerns about a “rising number of threats, attacks and attempts to undermine and delegitimise independent national human rights institutions“ in Latin America and the Caribbean. Incidents reportedly include threats or harassment against various human rights institutions or their staff in [...]


El gobierno de Colombia y el Alto Comisionado de la ONU para los Refugiados anunciaron el pasado lunes que Colombia brindará una nueva forma de estatus legal a los 1,7 millones de venezolanos desplazados en Colombia, brindándoles seguridad básica esencial mientras vivan en este país como refugiados. La nueva iniciativa ofrece un estatus temporal de [...]


The government of Colombia and the UN High Commissioner for Refugees announced Monday that Colombia would provide the 1.7 million displaced Venezuelans in Colombia with a new form of legal status, providing them with essential basic security while living in Colombia as refugees. The new initiative offers 10-year temporary status to displaced Venezuelans living in [...]


Americans were shocked by Wednesday’s storming of the US Capitol by the Proud Boys and other rightwing mobs and militia. International observers and some U.S. politicians began referring to the country as a “banana republic” – a derogatory statement referring to banana-producing countries in Central America with histories of unstable and corrupt governments. Latin Americans [...]