Search Results for: AG

Douglas Berman, Moritz College of Law, Ohio State University:"I suspect we will see stories in the days ahead about Ashcroft's legacy, and I suspect most of those stories will focus on the "war on terror."  However, from my sentencing-centric perspective,...


The European Union filed a complaint Monday with the World Trade Organization against the US and Canada for failing to lift sanctions against the EU over the EU's ban on importing hormone-treated beef. In 1998, the WTO ruled that...


Senior aides said today that controversial Attorney General John Ashcroft was likely to step down before January's inauguration, citing exhaustion and stress. Possible replacements include Ashcroft's former deputy, Larry Thompson, who would become the first African-American attorney general; Marc...


William G. Ross, Cumberland School of Law, Samford University: "Chief Justice Rehnquist's hospitalization for thyroid cancer treatment has provided a sudden and poignant reminder to many voters that the winning candidate in next Tuesday's election is likely to make US...