Search Results for: DOE

Here's a run-down of law-related events, expected developments and live webcasts on JURIST's docket for Monday, December 6.The US Supreme Court will hear 10 AM ET oral arguments in Wilkinson v. Dotson (case summary from Duke Law School), where...


The US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia ruled Friday that the US Interior Department does not have to disconnect its computers from the Internet despite the possibility of tampering by hackers. The dispute arose regarding the...


Peter Henning, Wayne State University Law School:"The former New England Regional Director of the Republican National Committee, James Tobin, was charged in a four-count indictment on Wednesday, Dec. 1, with conspiracy to make harassing telephone calls to the New Hampshire...


David Wagner, Regent University School of Law:"Boston Globe: U.S. Justices Won't Hear Mass. Case, i.e. an appeal from Goodridge. Well of course not. This appeal was based on the "guarantee" clause, Article IV, Section 3: "The United States shall guarantee...


The Ukrainian parliament Wednesday narrowly approved a no-confidence motion in the government of Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych, the declared winner of last week's disputed presidential election, proposing instead a "government of national trust." The vote came on a second...