Search Results for: DOE

A group of five prisoners who were held in special segregation units in Scottish jails is suing the Scottish Prison Service. The segregation units are used to hold prisoners that cause problems within the mainstream jail. The group's lawyer...


JURIST Contributing Editor Marjorie Cohn of Thomas Jefferson School of Law in San Diego says that the massive US assault on Fallujah is but the latest instance of illegal American aggression in Iraq, undertaken with disregard for international treaties and...


The Hungarian parliament has rejected a proposal to keep its 300 non-combat troops in Iraq until March 31, 2005. The troops were to stay in Iraq until December 31. The Socialist-led government wanted to extend the mission of the...


Peter Henning, Wayne State University Law School:"New York Attorney General Elliot Spitzer dropped another shoe from his closet on an insurance company, although it was not Aon Corp., about which there was some speculation when Spitzer announced that another suit...


Peter Friedman, Case Western Reserve Law School:"Alberto Gonzalez, the nominee to be chief law enforcement officer of the land, prepared 57 confidential memos on the merits of granting death-row inmates clemency. 56 of the inmates were executed. As Philip Carter...