Search Results for: New Jersey

White House officials Saturday blamed former homeland security secretary nominee Bernard Kerik for failing to disclose potential legal problems to administration lawyers. Kerik withdrew his name from consideration late Friday after it was discovered that he had failed to...


Automakers have launched a lawsuit against the nation's strictest set of vehicle emissions standards, approved earlier this year by the California Air Resources Board. The action, filed Tuesday, alleges that vehicle emissions standards are properly within the jurisdiction of...


Here's a run-down of law-related events, expected developments and live webcasts on JURIST's docket for Monday, November 29.The US Supreme Court will hear 10 AM ET oral arguments in Ashcroft v. Raich (case summary from Duke Law School), where...


New Jersey Governor James McGreevey submitted his letter of resignation on Monday. The letter simply reads, "Dear Madam Secretary, I resign effective 11:59 p.m. on Monday, November 15, 2004." Aides reported that McGreevey's last day in office was expected...


JURIST Guest Columnist Sandra Jordan of the University of Pittsburgh School of Law considers what might happen if, as anticipated, the US Supreme Court applies its reasoning from its June 2004 Blakely ruling to the federal sentencing guidelines in two...