Search Results for: criminal justice

The Dutch Public Prosecutor (OM) announced Thursday that it intends to investigate the criminal complaint filed by a group of human rights organizations against, an online rental platform for holiday accommodations, regarding their alleged listing of rental properties in Israeli settlements. The Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations (SOMO), the European Legal Support Centre [...]


The harassment and criminalization of justice operators and human rights defenders by Guatemalan government officials include multiple forms of gender-based violence and discrimination, according to a report published by Amnesty International on Thursday. The report analyzes the criminalization of female justice operators and human rights defenders in the country, highlighting any instances of human rights [...]


Former Gambian Minister of Interior Ousman Sonko has been convicted of crimes against humanity by the Swiss Federal Criminal Court (FCC). The court found him guilty of numerous crimes committed between 2000 and 2016 under the regime of ex-President Yahya Jammeh, sentencing Sonko to 20 years in prison. This conviction marks the highest-ranking official ever sentenced [...]


Over 50 civil society organizations urged the US Department of Justice (DOJ) in a Wednesday open letter to ensure that any forfeited assets from its landmark case against construction materials company Lafarge are directed to support victims and survivors of atrocity crimes associated with Syria. The letter expressed grave concerns that money from the case [...]


30,000 Taiwanese demonstrators surrounded the Legislative Yuan, the island’s parliament, on Tuesday protesting against the legislative majority’s attempts to enact new laws by allegedly violating procedural justice and the island’s constitution. The controversies surround two bills, the parliamentary reform and a transport network bill, with a proposed cost of nearly $62 billion, equal to the [...]


Amnesty International released an alerting report on Tuesday, highlighting the arbitrary use of the Mexican criminal justice system to criminalize women human rights defenders. The report titled “Perseguidas: Criminalización de mujeres defensoras de derechos humanos en México” (Persecuted: criminalization of women human rights defenders in Mexico) focuses on the cases of three women: Ana Lorena [...]


Israeli Minister of Communication Shlomo Karhi ordered the return of Associated Press (AP) equipment Tuesday after officials from the ministry seized it and took down the news organization’s live feed of northern Gaza earlier in the day. Karhi said that the defense ministry was re-examining the issue and that the equipment would be returned until [...]


A chorus of US politicians including President Joe Biden has decried International Criminal Court (ICC) prosecutor Karim A. A. Khan’s decision to seek arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his defense minister, Yoav Gallant, alongside three senior Hamas leaders. US officials slammed the ICC’s perceived “equivalence” of Israel and Hamas, the latter [...]