Search Results for: freedom information

Jack Balkin, Yale Law School:"I liked Bush's second inaugural address, which argued for the cause of freedom around the world, very much. I also liked his first inaugural address, which sounded very moderate, spoke of justice, tolerance, and aid to...


Log of (and links to) FBI records obtained by the American Civil Liberties Union pursuant to a Freedom of Information Act request for documents concerning the treatment and interrogation of detainees in United States custody at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, released...


FBI documents released Wednesday by the ACLU following a Freedom of Information Act request show repeated FBI concern over and disapproval of military interrogation techniques at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, but also indicate that FBI investigation of the practices was...


A US military spokesman said Wednesday that US Southern Command has opened an investigation into allegations of Iraqi prisoner abuse made by FBI personnel at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and made public last month (see this report in JURIST's Paper...


Britain's Freedom of Information Act took substantive effect Monday on the first UK workday of the new year, 4 years after its passage by Parliament. Under the Act, any recorded governmental information, including paper records, e-mails, computer records, audio,...